Sermon Series

Thanksgiving at Hosanna Church

This time of year is filled with waiting. We sense the anticipation of the holidays, advent, and all that is to come. While seasons of waiting are not always easy, we are called to use this time intentionally. When we look to scripture, we’re reminded that waiting has a purpose. As we invite God into these seasons, our posture turns from worrying about the future to watching for His goodness. Waiting, therefore, becomes a practice of hope, a reflection of faith, and a true celebration of thanksgiving.

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This time of year is filled with waiting. We sense the anticipation of the holidays, advent, and all that is to come. While seasons of waiting are not always easy, we are called to use this time intentionally. When we look to scripture, we’re reminded that waiting has a purpose. As we invite God into these seasons, our posture turns from worrying about the future to watching for His goodness. Waiting, therefore, becomes a practice of hope, a reflection of faith, and a true celebration of thanksgiving.